*Sorry this is a long post with a lot of photos*
July 15th was the last time I was posting and probably visiting blogland.
It is a long time ago with a lot of things that happened (I won't tell you about it, don't worry, because it is really a lot, and most of the thing aren't that great) but I am back =) Yaaaaay!!!
I will try to be more often in blog land, probably with great memes like
STS (and hopefully with reviews). That's why I was making this post in the first place. In these months that passed you would think I got a lot of books. But it isn't really that much. But I really want to share them with you. Especially the book I bought yesterday when I was visiting Amsterdam for the second time. It is really a shock, because I am a dutch girl, but really, 2 months ago when I told my friends that I never visited Amsterdam they where in total shock and 2 weeks later we where walking true the kalverstraat, visiting Rembrand plein, the Dam and the sex museum. And of course al those awesome bookstores. =) But I bought only one book that day. It's really a total shock (yes, I use this word a lot, sorry, but its the only way I can discripe this).
It looks like a really good steampunk serie. I don't read it yet, because of al the other books I need to read. But did you read this book? And what do you think of it? Is it great? I hope it is =)
Okay, next. I ordered some books in the last couple of months at the bookdepository, it is really the most awesome book store ever. Sad you can't visit it =(
Of course I needed this book. Hello???? I read the first 6 and, come on, really? Do I need to say more. This is such a great serie.That brings me to the next books. Sorry Bones, I read to much about you, it is time for Vlad. Because.... I really needed to read more about Vlad....<3<3 LOL
Next on my list of books I wanted to show you is my birthday present. =) I got a coupon for a bookstore from a friend of mine and bought a book I really needed to read (I still didn't got the time for it)
One of those series I need to finish and heeey, that brings me to my next book ;) hahahaha
I bough it yesterday when I was visiting amsterdam for the second time (really it is such a beautiful city, I will let you see some photo's I make the first time I was visiting, after the last books in this post)
What did I tell you, one of those series I need to finish. LOL. I think I am the last one, but that is okay, I don't have a lot of time to read and read only before I go sleeping. Most of the time I read my self to sleep.
And the last books in this post. I bought the first one a half year ago, or longer. I don't know. But I read it a couple of weeks ago and I needed to get the whole serie. Lucky for me it is already published so I bought the last 3 of them as well.
I really hope they are great because I liked the first one in this serie very much =)
That was it for my books....If you don't want to see photos from my visit to amsterdam, that is okay, because they are comming now =) I wish you a nice day.
If you like to stay and see my photo's....yaaaaay for you!!!!
My friends Lisa, Melanie (mother of Lisa and wife to Willy), Willy.
It's so funny, first I was friends with Melanie, and after a few months Lisa became a friend of me as well. (let me tell you, Melanie is 9 years older then me and Lisa is 12 years younger then me, yes it is funny)
Yes we need to laugh more, I know, but we where looking in to the sun when this photo was taken. And yes, that person on the left is me =)
Rembrand plein (it is really nice to see it)
I am not sure but I think this is a photo from a street before you go to the kalverstreet. Let me tell you, if you like to shop, not only for books (but there are a lot of bookstores) but also clothes and other great stuff you need to be in this street. You got here the vero moda (my favorite store), forever 21, I bought there a skirt yesterday, the (lady) sting and many more. At Spui there are some book stores. And at the beginning of the Kalverstreet.
I love this photo. This is sooooo Amsterdam. Bikes and water. But you really should look where you are walking, because it is almost dangerous when you are walking true amsterdam with those bikes, but also with the tram. It is nice but really, use your eyes. I can't tell you that enough.
I do love the last photo, but I think this is my favorite.
Don't you love it?
That was my post for today.
Hope to see you guys soon. =)