
vrijdag 30 mei 2014

Feature and Follow Friday

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Time for a new Feature and Follow Friday. This is a great meme to make some new blogger friends and to read about their thoughts :D 

This meme is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison can read

This weeks quistion:

Question of the Week: How important is good writing to you? In an ideal world, a book would be beautifully written AND have great character development, plot, etc. But in the real world, which do you prefer: (1) Great characters and plot with lousy writing or (2) Middling character development and plot but gorgeous writing

My answer: I don't think it is really important how beautiful written a book is. It's nice to read a beautiful written book, don't get me wrong. But I think the story it self is more important. If I like the story, the characters and the plot is great a book is already beautiful for me. And I will recommend it to you, not because it beautiful written but because it's a great story =)

Want to share your answer with me?
I am very curious about it, because I know that there are people who aren't thinking the same way as I am. 

Have a great friday!!

8 opmerkingen:

  1. I tend to agree but it all depends on my mood.
    New GFC and bloglovin follower :)
    Here is our FF!

  2. I agree that, I am more for characters and plot and beautiful words. Have a great weekend!


  3. I'm your 200th follower. Woo hoo! :)
    Anyways...This question was pretty hard to answer but I wound up picking good writing over a good story. It's interesting to see all the different views.
    New GFC follower :)
    My F&F

  4. I like books that a greatly written better. Not that great characters and plot isn't important too but mostly if a book is written badly and the characters are great I get bored with it anyway.

    Old Follower!

    my FF!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  5. Hi! New follower here. I love this Friday's topic. I completely agree with you!

    Vanessa @ Bluest Ribbon

  6. I couldn't agree more. Great plots and characters will override lousy writing.

    New GFC and bloglovin follower. Follow me back via my ff.

  7. I agree. I'm a new follower.
    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog
