
vrijdag 26 april 2013


Another Feature and Follow Friday. Love this meme. Its hosted by Paranjunky and Alison can Read. And this weeks quistion is:

Q: Is there a song that reminds you of a book? Or vice versa? What is the song & the book?

A: I think in my case it isn't a song but an artist that reminds me of heroic woman in fantasy books. Like Mercy Thompson, Charly Davidson and more of course. I think I love the music of p!nk or paramore in it. If there is some sort of music that reminds me of a book. Because one song is difficult to tell.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hopping through. I can see Pink or Paramore in those books. Strong women.
    My Hop

  2. Great answer and that's really true. :)

    Old follower

    Here's my FF!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  3. Hi! Good answer. I personally don't have songs associated with books. I like to read in silence. :)

    New follower via GFC.


    SSBF Blog
