
vrijdag 27 april 2012

Feature & Follow Friday (7)

Time for Feature and Follow Friday!
This meme is hosted by Parajunky and Alison can read. I like this meme, every friday there are quistions about books. And I had a long time thinking about my answer to this quistion.

The quistion is:
Have you had a character that disappointed you? One that you fell in love with and then "broke up" with later on in either the series or a stand-alone book? Tell us about him or her.

My answer:
For this quistion I was really looking true al my books and thinking about the characters. And after a long time thinking I came up with my answer.
Let me tell you that I am talking about soul screamers by Rachel Vincent. I love those books. They are sooo great. And (without telling you any spoilers) I really loved Nash, Kaylee's very handsome and very sweet almost-boyfriend. But after reading my soul to keep (I think it was this one ore the next) I really hate him. He acts sooo selfish. But (for the one who have read al of these books, they know what I am talking about) I think part of it is because of his addiction. But that's no excuse. And I really like a nother character in this book so much more.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. HAHAHA, Nash! I never really loved him and also now don't hate him, but I can totally see where you are coming from!

    Patricia // My Hop

  2. I haven't read the book but I've heard good things about it.

    My answer is Anita Blake.. here's why:

    Happy Friday! New Follower!

  3. Hopping through~~!

    I haven't read this series yet, bu heard great things about it. Not to mention Nash is my nickname, so maybe I really should read it? ;)

    New follower!
    Here's my FF. ♥
    Agnieszka @ A Nook Full of Books

  4. I've only read the first book in the series, but I really didn't like Nash. I much preferred Tod. =)

    New Follower!

    Abbey Ann

  5. I still have to strat that series. :(

    I'm a new gfc follower. :)

  6. Someone else mentioned this book as well. I have to admit I haven't read it yet.
    My FF Post

    And don't forget to enter to win a Kindle Fire. The LPP Kindle Fire giveaway ends Monday April 30th!

  7. {new follower here}

    I haven't read the book so I have no opinion. But thank you for sharing.


  8. Lots of people chose a character from the Soul Screamers this week.
    I haven't read the series yet.

    I'm a new follower!

    Here's mine:

  9. I haven't read this series yet but I can understand the problem. I need to try the first one lol.

  10. I have only read the first 2 books and haven't had to break up with Nash yet. old follower.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm an old follower. :)

    I haven't read the Soul Screamers series (but it's on my list to read!) so I'm not familiar with Nash. Still, it's always sad when we break up -- even with fictional characters!

    Jenny @ Into The Morning Reads

  12. Ik heb nog maar het eerste boek in deze serie gelezen. Ik vond Nash wel een goed personage maar ik geloofde niet in zijn relatie met Kaylee. Het klink als hij wilde met haar zijn voor haar stem en niks anders! Ik heb al het tweede boek, ik moet ’t nog lezen. Ik wil Tod beter leren kennen! =D

  13. I haven't started reading her series yet but I heard it was great! But I don't want to hate a character that was sweet at first >< I hate when I have to do that!

    Happy Belated Friday! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    Natasha @ Dreamland Teenage Fantasy
