
vrijdag 13 april 2012

Feature & Follow Friday (6)

It's already time for a nother Feature & Follow Friday!
This meme is hosted by Parajunky and Alison can read.

And the quistion of this week is:
Q: What is one book that you would be nervous to see a movie adaption of because you think the movie could never live up to the book?

A: That's a good one. I really think that a book should stay a book. And don't make a movie out if it. But that's me. But if I should choose a book, it would be one of the books of Cassandra Clare. I am a big fan of her books and I really can't see it in a movie. It wouldn't be right for me. And I think it never be as good as the books.

What do you think? Let me know I am very curious about your choice.
Have a nice day! Mariska And let me remind you of my giveaway. The button is on the left side of this blog :D

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi Mariska,

    I think The Mortal Instruments is being made into a movie :(

    Thank-you for stopping by my FF :)

    Sharon @ Obsession with Books

  2. I agree but COB is being made a movie, lets hope they don't ruin it. Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Thanks for commenting on my follow friday!

    I'm the same as you- I very very rarely like the film adaptations of books- I think comics are the only ones I've liked and they're not the same as novels!


  4. Hi! I'm a new follower hopping by!

    Lovely answer! I think as long as the author has a voice and participates in the decisions needed for the movie, the movie will turn out fine.

    My fff:

  5. I think it's impossible to have a book as good as a movie. the book always wins lol.

    old follower

    here is mine

  6. I'm pretty sure The Mortal Instruments is being made into a movie with Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace. I'm going to admit, he wouldn't have been my first choice!

    Hopefully it'll be done fairly well!

    Tara @ Hey, Tara

  7. i think COB would make a good movie but i heard they are having tons of issues with it already!

    TRISH - My FF

  8. Yeah, I can't see that one either.

    Patricia // My FF

  9. OMG I am so nervous to see The Mortal Instruments movie... I hope they don't ruin Jace!!! I'm a new follower :)

    -Riya :) The Teen Book Guru

  10. I've never read anything by Cassandra Clare but I can definitely identify with being nervous someone will ruin your vision of what you've read. I hope, if they do make a movie from one of her books, it rocks!

    Also, happy FF! Just sneaking through to say hey. I'm a new follower! I hope you'll stop by & visit me too.

    Jenny @ Into the Morning Reads

  11. Hopping through. Definitely nervous about TMI. I hope it gets going and is done right.
    My Hop

  12. Hoi! Bedankt voor je bezoek op mijn blog! Ik ben het me je eens - soms moet een boek niet verfilmd worden. Het is niet mogelijk om alles van het boek ook in een film te hebben. Ik wil liever dat ze boeken blijven!
