
zondag 8 april 2012

50 followers giveaway

Hi Everyone!

As you can see I have got already 50 followers and I am just blogging for a few months. Thank you guys. I am very happy that you are my followers. And I should be a shame of my self that I don't have much time to look at your blogs and comment on your posts. But I will make that up to you.

But first I have a fabulous giveaway for you.
You can choose one of these books (some of these books are not publiced yet, so they would be shipped when they are publiced but that should be in about a day of 30) :


You need to be 13 years old or older to enter the giveaway.

This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. (as long as bookdepository ships to your country)

The winner will be contacted via email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

14 opmerkingen:

  1. I would love to have Darker Still! It has an amazing cover and I heard a lot of great things about it (:

    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

    Celine ~ Nyx Book Reviews

  2. thanks for the giveaway and congrats! I think I would choose until I die, because I've heard so many great things about it. I really need to give it a try.

  3. Congrats on 50 followers, Mariska! This is so awesome.

    If I won, I'd choose Unearthly because it is the first book of a series and I haven't started reading any of the series that you're offering yet. Furthermore the story sounds really awesome and interesting. I've never been quite a fan of angel books, but I have to say that I'd love to try and read some more angel books now. And lots of bloggers have recommended these books to me.

    Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! Your blog is really awesome and I hope there are going to be more and more followers for you soon.

  4. I would be very happy if I win Unearthly! I've heard a lot of good reviews about it! The cover is,oh, so beautiful too! XD

    Thanks for holding this awesome giveaway! You rock!
    BTW your background is nice!


  5. I'm really curious to read Switched! So it would be cool to win a copy!

  6. I would choose Switched as I've heard so much about and it sounds like a good read.

  7. If I win, i would choose switched. there is something so....intriguing about the story. "When Wendy Everly was six-years-old, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. It isn't until eleven years later that Wendy finds out her mother might've been telling the truth." - This is something that interests me greatly.

    I would love an opportunity to read this book.

    Thanks for holding this gieaway!

  8. I would choose Until I Die. It sounds good even though I havent been able to read the first one yet. Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. If I would win I would choose Until I die by Amy Plum because I really want to have a copy of the book and because I really like to read it... And yeah I admit I also chose this because the cover is really beatiful...

  10. I would choose Endure because I'm desperate to read it and the cover's beautiful

  11. Congrats on 50 followers! If I were lucky enough to win, I would pick Unearthly becuase I still haven't read that one for some reason even though everyone says it's amazing. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! :)

    Linny @ Linnys Literature

  12. I would choose Unearthly because I've heard it's an amazing book and I haven't read it yet. Congrats to 50 followers!

  13. I would choose Endure b/c I love the Need series.

  14. Congrats on 50 followers. I would choose Darker Still or Unearthly :D Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Good luck in the future with your blog.
