
maandag 16 januari 2012

The books I have bought recently

Hi Everyone

First I want to thank you for being my followers.
And I hope you are not my last :D LOL.

The last month I bought a few books. And I wanna show you them.
Not one of them has already arrived. So I am a little bit impatient :D

These are the books:

I cant wait to read them. First I should start with Clockwork Prince. Because I read Clockwork Angel recently. And I can tell you that I am sooo curious about that book. I heard that he is better than Clockwork Angel. And that you read more about Wil.
I will let you know what I think of that book when I read him.


1 opmerking:

  1. Mariska wrote: Thanks for your comment and tips. I am still learning my English.
    So thank you very much :D
    And I can tell you that when I write English it takes me awhile to do that. And still I make mistaks. LOL. Reading is so much easier.
    And I am sooo curious about my next book. I know that when you say it is a good book, it really is a good book. So I cant wait. hahah.

    I understand English can be hard, I wasn't trying to be mean, only helpful, so I'm glad you took it that way :) Also, I understand writing English is harder than reading it. Though I have to say it's quite admirable you're reading English instead of Dutch, not everybody can/does!
    Here's another tip: if you access the net through the 'Google Chrome' browser instead of 'Internet explorer', it underlines the things it thinks are wrong, just like when typing something in Word and checking the spelling for errors!!! Easypeasy!

    Well, as for your (pre-)orders: you KNOW I'm excited for 'Fallen in Love' and you already know I dearly love 'Clockwork Prince'. I'd marry it if I could, LOL.
    And you know I am NOT excited for 'Darkness Falls', but kudos to you for finishing 'Immortal Beloved' ;)

    Have a good evening!
