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zaterdag 23 juli 2016

Feature and follow friday

Hi everyone.

Yesterday it was friday but we got a busy week. We got the millitairy march in nijmegen the netherlands. And its really awesome. Especially because this was the 100th time and even our king was there. So awesome. But the parties are the best. Thats why this is my first post. So sorry.

This is a picture of a very small but important part of nijmegen. The bridge over the waal.

Oke...and now i take time for this feature and follow friday. Hosted by para junkee and alison can read. The rules are changed so read them before you start making a post.

What are two of your favorite Book to Movie adaptations?

Thats an easy one for me when we are talking about fantasy movies.

Harry Potter and lord of the rings.

Big fan of the movies. And the books. But lord of the rings was difficult to read. But i love the movies very much.

How about you?

zaterdag 16 juli 2016


Saturday...and the strange world is still strange. My thoughts and prayers are with the people in Turkey...

This week i got two beauties of books. I bought only these two because if they are as good as some people say i sell these two and buy the hardcovers. What do you think. Are they as good as some people say?

vrijdag 15 juli 2016

Feature and follow friday

What a start for a friday. This morning i wake up with horrible news about Nice. My thoughts and prayers go to all the people who are hurt yesterday evening. What is happening with the world. It really makes me sick and it make me think how i can be better for the people around me. To show them that there are still kind people around.
This day makes me also think about next week. The militairy mars in nijmegen...the netherlands. Its a very big event and people from all over the world will come. There is a lot music and fun things to do but i am thinking...today again proves that this can happen all over the world...so will i go or not. Still thinking about it....

Okay...feature and follow friday. Because thats what this post is about.
Feature and follow friday is hosted by Alison can read
. Read about the new rules because there are a few.

What is your favorite character archetype(s)

My favorite type of character is a strong women who lived true a lot but is very strong. She can take care of her self and is also very loveable and funny.

Yeah thats it for me.
Whats your answer?

Want to share it with me?

dinsdag 12 juli 2016

Top 10 tuesday

Hi everbody.

Top 10 tuesday for today is a personal one and i like that. Top 10 tuesday is hosted by the broke and the bookish I am very curious about you guys.
10 facts about me

1 I really love to read before i go to sleep and most of the time I fall a sleep reading.
2 I am a 31 yo women with adhd
3 besides reading i love to be creative.
4 I have one brother a stephsister (i always wanted a sister and when i/we was/where 11 yo when her mom and my dad married) and i have a stephbrother.
5 I am an auntie of 2 very beautiful boys
6 I love animals and have 2 pets. A bird and a bunny.
7 I moved for 23 times to different houses in my short life
8 I work with elderly people
9 Since a few weeks i love to collect bookmarks. Especially the once who look like my books
10 I love making photos

How about you? I am going to look at your blogs in a minute😉😉
Dont forget my giveaway. Just
click here

zondag 10 juli 2016


Pffw...is it already sunday?
I cant believe a week can come to its end so fast. But i think that is normal when you got a lot to do. Work work work. Lol. But als a fantastic day yesterday in Werchter Belgium. There was TW Classics and omg did we see great classics. Simpley red..lionel richie and the big boss him self....bruce springsteen. Omg. I was in the frond of the stage. Let me show some photos before i show you my new books of June.

Look how close Bruce springsteen was. And my best friend could touch his hand. Omg😊 that was sooo awesome.

Okay..time to show you my new books(before i show you more photos of yesterday..i wint do that to you.😉). They are from June so some of my friend saw them on facebook. But in June i didnt blog. So thats why i want to show you all my new books.

Do you know these books. And did you like them?
I hope you did like my post. And look on the right of my blog...there is a link to my giveaway.

Have a nice sunday.

vrijdag 8 juli 2016

Feature and follow friday

Time for feature and follow friday hosted by Alison can read. Read her post because there are a lot changes in this meme. 😊

This week is the question is
Color Favorites: Show us beautiful book covers in your fave color!

At this moment maybe because of the summer...is yellow.
Especially wildwood dancing. I really love that cover.

What is your favorite collor in books?

Have a nice weeken..
I also have a giveaway on my blog. Just take a look at the post😊

donderdag 7 juli 2016

Giveaway time

Hi everyone.

I told you i give a giveaway soon.
And today i am in the mood to start it. Yaaay 😊
This one will be there for a month.
So plenty of time for everyone to make a chance to win this.
You can win a book up till 10 euro from bookdepository. Open to wherevet TBD ships. Awesome right??

Have a nice day all of you and good luck with this giveaway
